MS-DOS Softwares

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Click on the name of an application below to download and/or to get more informations.

WinRAR enable you to compress or decompress ZIP and RAR files. Some files ont this web site are compressed and you may need WinRAR to decompress them: Download WinRAR in one click.

DOS Products

Name Short description
icon TouNeuf 1.11 It's a chance game with dice. Between 2 and 4 players.
icon CopyDel 1.12 This program allows you to delete duplicate files.
icon ChangeTexte 1.00 To replace one string by another in specified file.
iconXRen 1.00 To rename files with a different number of characters.
icon Ini Canon 1.10 Allows you to change the colors, font style, etc, to print everything after under DOS.
icon Ini NEC 1.10 Allows you to change the colors, font style, etc, to print everything after under DOS.